Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What kind of inspector do I need for my lead paint inspection?

A: For rental properties, you need a visual inspector certified to distribute 330 Certificates for Full and Modified Risk Reductions. Here’s what each type of inspection entails:

Lead Technicians use XRF X-ray analyzers for:

Q: Do you need a lead certificate to sell or buy a home?

A: No, a lead certificate is not required to sell or buy a home. However, it’s advisable to conduct a lead paint inspection to ensure there is no lead dust present. While not mandatory, having a certification can be a valuable reassurance.

For Sellers:

1. Disclose to the buyer that lead-based paint may pose an environmental hazard and have them sign a disclosure statement along with other sale documents.

2. Provide an EPA-approved lead paint pamphlet to inform them about lead paint.

3. Allow the buyer 10 days to conduct a lead paint inspection or risk assessment of the property.

Q: How much does a lead paint inspection cost?

A: Varies depending on inspection contractor ans the turnaround time. # 00 Lead Inspections And Abatements already have fast turnarounds.

A: Visual inspections are free in Baltimore City or County when payment is made upfront, excluding dust wipe inspections. Lead paint inspection costs vary among firms. Our fees include $450 for a 12 samples 3 Day turnaround and $30 per wipe for addtional each sample taken. 

For wood windows, two samples are required, and for rooms plastic, metal or vinyl windows (or no windows), one sample per room is necessary.

Q: What are the health risks of lead exposure in homes?

A: Lead exposure in homes can lead to various health risks, especially in children and pregnant women. Symptoms may include tiredness, irritability, headaches, and developmental delays. Long-term exposure can cause permanent brain damage and other serious health issues.

Q: How often should lead paint inspections be conducted?

A: Lead paint inspections should be conducted in homes built before 1978, especially if there are children under six or pregnant women residing there. Regular inspections ensure early detection and mitigation of lead hazards, maintaining a safe living environment.

Q: What are the steps to remove lead paint safely?

A: Safely removing lead paint involves hiring a certified lead abatement contractor. They will assess the extent of lead contamination, implement proper containment measures, use specialized cleaning methods, and dispose of lead-containing materials according to environmental regulations.

Q: Are there government programs available to assist with lead paint removal costs?

A: Yes, there are government programs such as HUD’s Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Program that provide grants and funding to help cover the costs of lead paint removal in qualifying homes.

Q: What are the EPA regulations regarding lead-based paint in homes?

A: The EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule requires certification for contractors working in homes built before 1978. They must follow specific lead-safe work practices to minimize lead exposure during renovation, repair, and painting activities.

Q: How can I test my home for lead paint?

A: You can hire a certified lead inspector or use DIY lead test kits available at hardware stores. These tests can detect the presence of lead in painted surfaces, providing valuable information for homeowners and renters.

Q: What should I do if my child tests positive for elevated lead levels?

A: If your child tests positive for elevated lead levels, consult a healthcare provider immediately. They can recommend medical treatment and help identify and eliminate lead sources in your home to prevent further exposure.

Q: What are the signs that my home may have lead paint?

A: Homes built before 1978 are likely to have lead-based paint. Signs include layers of paint that are cracking, chipping, or peeling, especially around windows, doors, and trim where friction occurs.

Q: How can lead paint affect property values?

A: Lead paint in a home can lower property values due to the potential health risks associated with lead exposure. Buyers may factor in the cost of lead abatement and mitigation when considering the purchase price.

Q: Are there alternative methods to encapsulate lead paint safely?

A: Yes, encapsulation involves covering lead paint with a special coating or barrier to prevent lead dust from being released into the air. It’s a cost-effective method if the paint is intact and not chipping or deteriorating.

Q: When was lead removed from the paint?

A: While significant reductions in lead content were made in paint around 1950, ongoing concerns about lead dust exposure led to stricter regulations. In 1978, the Health Department revised guidelines, setting January 1, 2015, as the date from which stricter lead safety measures applied to homes, aiming to protect children from potential lead poisoning risks.

Q: What if I got a Lead Paint Inspection before a child was poisoned?

A: Even if you had a lead visual inspection before a child was poisoned, there’s still a risk if all lead in the home wasn’t adequately addressed. Lead may have been encapsulated, but if lead dust becomes exposed and comes into contact with a child, there’s still a potential hazard.

Additional information:

The Health Department uses an XRF gun that scans beneath the surface layer of paint. It’s best to call a Lead Paint Inspector Technician to scan your home for areas with lead paint positives. Have these areas removed by a Lead Paint Supervisor to prevent potential exposure before a child is harmed (we offer this service with removal).

Be cautious of lead paint inspectors who may not have your best interests in mind. Lead paint inspections are intended to protect property owners by reducing the risk of child poisoning, as studies show. If your inspector isn’t conducting a thorough inspection, you may be missing crucial information about lead dust in your home.

Q: How long does it take to get lead poisoned?

A: Lead poisoning can occur within minutes or longer, depending on the level of lead exposure. It can happen if a child ingests a large enough lead paint chip or dust pile. Immediate medical attention is crucial if lead poisoning is suspected to minimize health risks.

Q: At what point was lead used in homes?

A: Lead was commonly used in homes before 1978.

Q: Which rental properties need to be inspected for lead paint?

A: Any rental home built before 1978 requires inspection for lead paint. This regulation ensures safety against potential lead hazards in older properties.

Q: What are the regulations for the removal of lead paint? Can I remove the hazard myself?

A: According to lead paint removal regulations, only a licensed Maryland Department of Environment Lead Paint Supervisor can remove significant amounts of lead. Attempting to remove lead paint yourself outside of these regulations can result in a fine of up to $37,000.

Additional information:

Lead Safe Certified Renovation Firms are authorized to handle areas with less than 6 square feet of lead per room.

Furthermore, chemicals and lead paint substrates removed from a property must be transported to a hazardous waste facility. They must be properly wrapped and sealed for disposal to prevent fines for illegal dumping into water drains, sewers, or public facilities.

Q: What is the process for a Health Department lead paint violation?

A: The Health Department’s lead paint violation process involves several steps:

1. Notice of Elevated Lead Blood Level: Upon receiving a notice of elevated lead blood levels in a child, a Health Department inspector will use an XRF X-ray gun to inspect the home.

2. Inspection Findings: If the XRF gun detects elevated lead levels, the inspector will provide a work plan and a report detailing all positive areas that need to be removed or stabilized.

3. Selecting a Lead Paint Supervisor: Choose a Lead Paint Supervisor certified by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) from their website. They will assess liability and provide an estimate for abatement practices.

4. Abatement Process: After selecting a contractor and completing the abatement process, the contractor will provide the owner with two statements of work and work orders.

5. Re-inspection: The owner must schedule a re-inspection with the Health Department inspector to verify that abatement procedures addressed the positive areas identified.

6. Modified Risk Reduction: Following approval of the abatement, the owner or management company must hire a lead paint visual inspector to perform Modified Risk Reduction. This involves three dust wipes in each room: one from the window well, one from the windowsill, and one from the floor. The property owner cannot direct the inspector.

7. Results and Compliance: The dust wipe results must meet specific thresholds (at least 10 µg for floors, 100 µg for wells, and 100 µg for sills). Completing these steps ensures compliance with lead paint regulations, minimizing fees and fines.

Q: How do I pass a lead paint inspection?

A: To pass a lead paint inspection, follow these guidelines:

1. Cleanliness and Maintenance: Ensure that floors are free from dirt buildup, especially in areas around air vents and corners that have tested positive for lead.

2. Intact Paint: All painted surfaces must be 100% intact without any chipping, cracking, or deteriorating paint anywhere on your property or within 75 feet of your property lines.

3. Cleaning Practices: Clean floors, windowsills, walls, and any other surfaces regularly to remove lead dust, especially after renovation projects. Use cleaning methods that prevent cross-contamination.

Q: How is lead dust dangerous?

A: Lead dust is hazardous because even small amounts can persist in the body for up to seven months and accumulate in bones for as long as 30 years. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has established limits for children (5-10 µg/dL) and OSHA sets lead exposure levels for adults.

Q: What are the symptoms of lead poisoning?

A: Symptoms of lead poisoning can include:


Sleep problems





Difficulty concentrating





Joint and muscle pain


Loss of appetite

Stomach aches


Metallic taste in the mouth

Problems with reproductive health

Loss of sexual drive

Q: How are we exposed to lead dust?

A: Lead dust is primarily generated when opening and closing windows and doors that contain lead-based paint, particularly during seasonal changes. This friction can damage encapsulation, releasing lead dust into the environment.

Q: Why was lead added to paint?

A: Lead was added to paint as a faster-drying agent to enhance color durability and resist mold and mildew growth.

Q: What is the lead-based paint limit?

A: Lead-based paint is defined as any paint, varnish, or shellac that contains 1.0 milligrams of lead per square centimeter.

Q: When does lead paint dust become a problem?

A: Lead paint dust becomes a problem when seals are damaged or the paint’s surface is disturbed, allowing contact by people or animals.

Q: Who is most at risk for lead poisoning?

A: Children under six years old, pregnant women, and pets are at the highest risk for lead poisoning.

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